Publishing Ethics

The editorial office should be consistent to ensure the ethics of the publication and the quality of the articles.

All parties involved - authors, editors, reviewers, must follow the standards of ethical conduct, namely:

  Authors should take into account the following requirements:

             Plagiarism Exclusion



Provisions related to reviews can be found in the “Information for Reviewers” section.


Before Publication

Discovering a violation of publication ethical norms by the author during the discussion stage of the article may serve as a sufficient basis for rejecting the publication of the article until the moment of complete correction of the discovered violation.

Violation of publication ethical norms by a reviewer or editor may be grounds for termination of cooperation by the periodical. The revealed and substantiated facts of such a violation must be published on the website of the periodical.

After Publication

Violations found in the article are subject to discussion in the Editorial Board of the periodical. Minor violations may be corrected by issuing official explanations. In case of significant violations, the article is removed from publication, both notifying the author and publishing the relevant information in the periodical.

The rules and requirements are strict, but we are trying to be unbiased and helpful to the scientific community.
